The demo is out!
Posted on March 13th, 2015
We just finished recording our demo, just in time for Bedlam! It is home made, features four songs, Pete on the guitar/vocals, our new bassist Ash on the electric bass and Jeremy on the drums. […]
We just finished recording our demo, just in time for Bedlam! It is home made, features four songs, Pete on the guitar/vocals, our new bassist Ash on the electric bass and Jeremy on the drums. […]
So we have found ourselves a new bass player (Welcome Ash) and we’ve rehearsed a lot to come up with a new sound. First gig on the agenda is Supporting Cracks from Japan at the […]
We are pleased to announce that we’ll be part of the 22nd Psychobilly Meeting line-up! First band on the Sunday, we’ll be glad to help you out with your hangover (or maybe not?!)This year’s line-up is […]
We are currently recording a demo, should be about 3 songs and will be available for listening and download on the music page. You can also grab a copy at one of our gig by […]