First album out soon!

We are glad to say that we’ve just finished recording our first album! We spent some time with Scott from Coffin Nails in Bristol and managed to get 12 songs done. It will be released hopefully by the end of the year on Greystone Records, just in time for someĀ grim christmas shopping…

More announcements on the way, watch this space!

New songs, demo on Bancamp

We’ve added three new songs to our 7-track demo now: “El Dorado”, “When you’re dead” and “The end is coming”. You can listen to it and download on the Bandcamp.
Share it if you like it!

‘Stuck in the Swamp’ featured in a short horror film

We’re pleased to announce that our song ‘Stuck in the Swamp’ will be featured in ‘The Prey’, a short horror film, soon to be released. Watch the trailer here:

UK Rock’n’roll magazine review

Our demo has been reviewed by Simon Nott (thanks to him) in UK Rock’n’Roll magazine.

Below is a scan of the page for you to read. In case you don’t have it yet, head to the music page, where you can listen to it and download all songs. Or you can also come to our next show and ask us for a copy..

We look forward to record more stuff, watch this space

